Introduction to Haskell

Helper methods: #

ghci> methodname

where methodname can be: :info – prints information about the name passed :type – gives type information about the type :set – sets a variable for the environment :unset – unsets a variable

Lists #

Tuple #

Type system #

Language Constructs #

if statement #

if predicate
then some_expression
else some\_other_expression

case construct #

case value in
    value1 -> returnValue1
    value2 -> returnValue2
    _      -> returnValueN

Polymorphism #

Functions #

Data Type #

Creating new data types #

The creation of data types takes the following form: – Inside the hs file data TypeConstructorName = ValueConstructorName args body of the constructor the TypeConstructorName and the ValueConstructor name may or may not be different. Type constructor is used only in type declaration or type signature; during actual code, the value constructor is used.

-- hs file
data BookInfo = Book Int String [String]
                deriving (Show)

myBook = Book 123 "hello" ["author"]

ghci> :info myBook
ghci> :info BookInfo

What we are creating is Algebraic Data Types, called so because the definition of the datatype takes in either the sum or the product of the parameters:

data Type1 = Int Double -- This is product, both are required
data Type2 = Int | Double -- This is sum, any one is required

The benefit of Algebraic Data Types is that it helps in maintaining type safety. Two Algebraic Data Types are always different, thanks to their type names, even if their signatures are same. So

-- hs file
data Type1 = Type1 Int Double
            deriving (Eq)
data Type2 = Type2 Int Double
            deriving (Eq)

ghci> let type1 = Type1 1 1.5
ghci> let type2 = Type2 1 1.5
ghci> type1 == type2 -- Error since the types are different

will not be equal.

This is in contrast with two tuples of the same shape, which are equal.

ghci> (1, 1.5) == (1, 1.5)

The sum of Algebraic Data Types are used when we want to give the option of picking up one value. Bool is one such example.

data Bool = True | False

Pattern Matching #

A function can be broken down into set of expressions which are executed based on a some specific pattern. This is called pattern matching.

The negate function: – hs file negate True = False negate False = True

ghci> negate False

The parameter passed is matched against those which are defined for that function, and the value on the right side of = is returned. This way kind of short-circuits because once a match is found, the next statements are not evaluated.

Pattern matching can be used to create one-liner methods as well.

-- hs file
myPower (a, b) = a ** b

ghci> myPow 2 3

Or to create accessor methods for value constructors

bookID (Book id title authors) = id
bookTitle (Book id title authors) = title
bookAuthors (Book id title authors) = authors

ghci> bookID (Book 3 "Some name" ["Author"])

The compiler can get the types of using the signatures of our accessopr functions.

ghci> :type bookID
bookID :: BookInfo -> Int

We can do away with writing so much, and simply providing what is absolutely neccessary in accessor functions, using wild card pattern. The WC pattern takes in anyvalue, and is represented by \_

-- hs file
bookID (Book id _ ) = id
bookTitle (Book _ title _ ) = title
bookAuthors (Book _ _ authors) = authors

ghci> bookID (Book 3 "Some name" ["Author"])

In addition to this, we can use what is called as the record syntax which creates the accessors for us, and one advantage is that we can pass the parameters in whatever order we prefer. The syntax for this is:

-- hs file
data Customer = Customer {
    customerID :: CustomerID,
    customerName :: String,
    customerAddress :: Address
} deriving (Show)

ghci> customer = Customer {
    customerID = 123456,
    customerAddress = ["Hyd", "India"],
    customerName = "Tushar"

ghci> customerID customer

ghci> customerName customer

Maybe is a type constructor which is used in places where we are expecting what are otherwise called “null” values in imperative languages.

The RWH explaination was a bit confusing, but after banging enough head, I came to know what it’s used for. The definition of Maybe is like:

Maybe a = Just a
        | Nothing

The usage is pretty simple, once it is understood.

Num #

I stumbled upon the different types of / division operators that behave differently for different numbers. Num type in haskell can be of tyo types: * Integral * Fractional and while other arithmatic operators (+, -, *, negate, abs) are shared across both these types, there are two divisions: function div for whole number division / operator for fractional division

while the other operators can be mixed and matched (as long as they aren’t hardwired from Num to something else), for division we have to use either div or / based on the need.

-- a fractional number and integral number can be added, subtracted, multiplied
ghci> 1 + 1.5
ghci> 1 - 1.5
ghci> 1 * 1.5

-- hs file
divBySame :: Int -> Int
divBySame a = a / a -- Won't work since these are hardcoded to be int
divBySame a = (div a a) -- This will work

List of Common Functions #

break (Prelude) break
(a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) Takes in a predicate function and a list and returns two lists, broken apart at that first element where the function returns True.
isUpper, isLower (Data.Char) is*
Char -> Bool
unlines (Prelude) unlines
[String] -> String Takes in a list of strings and returns a concatenated string.
isPrefixOf, isInfixOf, isSuffixOf (Data.List) is*Of
String -> String -> Bool Takes in string1 and string2 and finds if the string1 starts, is part of, or ends string2.
head head
[a] -> a Returns the first element
tail tail
[a] -> [a] Returns everything except the first element
length length
[a] -> Int Returns the length of the list
null null
[a] -> Bool Returns if the list is empty
last last
[a] -> a Returns the list element of the list. This is spiritually connected to head.
init init
[a] -> [a] Returns the list of elements excluding the last. This is spiritually connected to tail.

A lot of methods working with lists throw error in case an empty list is passed to them.

* Using lenght is inefficient since it walks through the whole lists, and also because H supports infinite lists, which can screw up things.

words takes in a string and splits it across whitespace unwords takes in list of strings and joins then using a single space

map map
(a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map returns a new list resulting from applying the function on every element of the list
foldl, foldr foldl
(a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a Takes in an accumulator function, an init value for the accumulator and a list. Do something to every element of the list, updating an accumulator as we go, then return the accumulator.