Object Oriented JavaScript

JavaScript doesn’t support class based oo programming, it has object based oo support. This means that instead of creating classes and instantiating them we simply start with objects and an object can inherit attributes and properties from other objects.

A Digression #

Before jumping into actual OO code, I want to digress and show how inheritance works in JS.

In the developer tool of any browser, if I create a new object, and checkout it’s properties, there’s a property called __proto__. This is the heart of JS inheritance structure.

>> var func = new Function();
>> func.__proto__; // function ( )

>> var obj = new Object();
>> obj.__proto__; // Object ( )

>> var arr = new Array();
>> arr.__proto__; // Array [ ]

Now this is a hidden property and cannot be accessed in our code. But it’s important. Here’s how:

Since there’s no concept of class in JS, an object has to depend on itself for properties. If it doesn’t have a property, it looks into its parent object through __proto__. If the property is still not found, the grandparent is checked for the property and this goes on till we reach Object . Now, Object has this property as null so if we still can’t find the property, an exception is thrown.

Following the same logic, we see that func will have function properties, like call and apply; arr will have push() and pop() etc.

Create A Class #

One look at the statements above and you’ll notice that I’m calling some constructors: Function, Object, and Array. These constructors create a new object and initialise it’s __proto__ property.

By convention, the names of constructors are capitalised and these are always used with new keyword, something like:

var obj = new Cons();

So there’s no way of creating a class in JS, we just have to create constructor functions and create our objects using these.

Inside the constructors, we have access to this keyword, which works a lot like other OO languages.

function Person(firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

    this.getFullName = function() {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

var peter = new Person("Peter", "Parker");
peter.getFullName(); // Peter Parker

Another prototype?? #

If I look at Person() in developer tools, I’ll see another property called prototype. And it’s only present in function objects, not in =Object=s and =Array=s. What is this thing?

Before I answer that question, let’s see how the dynamic duo of constructors and new really work behind the scenes.

var bruce = new Person("Bruce", "Wayne");
  1. A new, empty object is created
  2. This object’s __proto__ is set to Person.prototype
  3. The constructor function is called, with this keyword set to the new object.
  4. The reference of this new object is stored in bruce.

The second point is really important to understand what prototype does and why it’s used.

An object’s prototype will hold all the properties and values which will be used by every object that instantiates from it. If you look at the second point __proto__ is used for property lookups, and if we point it to some object, we have an upper hand as to where to start looking for properties.

I’ll explain this again so as to drill it further down. The prototype object is just another object containing some properties and methods. When we create an object its __proto__ gets a reference to prototype object of the constructor and hence it gets all the goodies inside prototype. Whenever we need a property, we check the object and if not found, go searching through all the =__proto__=s all the way to the object.

Now if you want to ask where is Person.prototype is pointing to? It’s pointing to the parent of all objects: Object. Every top level constructor’s prototype refers to Object.

TL;DR: __proto__ is checked while trying to find the properties through the parents and grandparents. prototype is simply used to hold a reference to the constructor with which we’ve created a particular object.

And since prototype is writable, we’ll change it to our advantage in the by adding properties which are used by all the objects sharing the same prototype.

Person.prototype.walk = function() { console.log("walking"); }

bruce.walk(); // walking
peter.walk(); // walking

The effect is dynamic and updates older objects as well. If we check Person.prototype in console, it now contains walk().

Extend Already!! #

Another main concept of OOP is that a child class can inherit properties and methods of its parent class.

Now we know that prototype is writable, and contains the properties which will be inherited by child objects.

Let’s create a superhero which will inherit from Person. There are some steps that we have to follow in order to extend an object.

  1. Create the child object
function Superhero(firstName, lastName, power) {
    // call to "super" or parent constructor
    Person.call(this, firstName, lastName);
    this.power = power;
    this.showPower = function() {

But check Superhero.prototype here, it’s still Object and doesn’t contain the methods we added to Person, so we need to change the prototype.

  1. Change the prototype of child object

    // This means that the Superhero will copy all the
    // properties of Person object
    Superhero.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype);

    Now checkout the Superhero.prototype.constructor, it is Person. This attribute lets us know what constructor do we have to call when Superhero is called. We know that it has to be Superhero, so we have to change this as well.

  2. Let the Superhero know that it’s a Superhero

Superhero.prototype.constructor = Superhero;
  1. Execute
var spidey = Superhero("Amazing", "Spiderman", "Spins web");
spidey.getFullName(); // Amazing Spiderman
spidey.walk(); // walking
spidey.showPower(); // Spins web

Parting words #

I hope this article was helpful in painting a clearer picture of OOP in JavaScript. Of course, we cannot have everything which mainsteam classical languages provide, something like inheriting private variables comes to mind.