Coroutines in Python

Coroutines have always seemed to be an interesting concept to me, although I’ve never dived deep in that concept. When I first heard the name while trying to learn Lua (which I didn’t pursue), I thought this was just another fancy name of subroutines.

Before going further, we have to notice the similarities and differences between the concepts of subroutines and coroutines.

Subroutines are the normal functions that we have, they may or may not return a value. Coroutines are a lot like subroutines, but instead of returning values they yield values.

A subroutine works in context to a parent function. So the parent code can be made up of multiple subroutines, with each one executing, doing its work, and getting destroyed once the work is complete. If the parent calls again, a new instance of subroutine is created and executed which is independent of the previous call.

In contrast, a coroutine can start executing, do its work, pause, and return to the parent. When the parent calls again, the coroutine starts from where it paused during the previous call.

The best real world application I could find was using Coroutines for implementing finite state machines, since these too store their current state and move to another state based on inputs, and resume execution once the next state has finished its job.

Before implementing finite state machines using coroutines, let’s start with the syntax.

Syntax of Coroutines #

Coroutine derive its syntax from generator because both of these work on the concept of pausing and yielding values.

As we’ve seen in Generator functions, we can either return a value which completes the execution of a function, or we can yield a value which temporarily suspends the execution until the function is called again. Coroutines work the same way, though a bit in reverse than generators – generators provide values, coroutines consume values and do something with them. While a piece of code can be written in a way so that it produces and consumes values at the same time, it’s not a good idea to do so Generator functions return value using a yield statement:

def gen():
    yield 1
    yield 2
    yield 3

>>> gen()
>>> gen()
>>> gen()

def a_coroutine():
    some_value = (yield)
    # do something with some_value


Coroutines use the same yield statement to consume values, like this:

some_value = (yield)

When, inside the function body, a yield statement is hit, the execution pauses and the function waits for some value from the caller coroutine, which uses coroutine.send() to send the value.


When send is called, the execution starts again, the caller does its work and pauses again when the next yield statement is hit. This goes again until the caller calls the close method which raises GeneratorExit exception inside the callee, which we have to catch and exit gracefully.


Using the above concepts, the following code provides a concrete example of coroutines:

# Find a substring when strings are passed
def coroutine_substring(substring):
    print("Waiting for strings")
        while True:
            whole_string = (yield)
            if substring in whole_string:
    except GeneratorExit:

A coroutine, once instanciated will need to be primed by calling its *next*() method, this executes the code till the first yield statement. It can then start functioning as required:

>>> co = coroutine_substring("python")
>>> co.__next__()
Waiting for strings
>>> co.send("I see a python")
I see a python
>>> co.send("I don't see anything")
>>> co.send("There it is!")
>>> co.send("Can't you see the python")
Can't you see the python
>>> co.close()

Coroutines as pipelines of data #

Since coroutines can call other coroutines, these can be used as pipelines which pass around the data and do something with it.

Conceptually, each coroutine will require data on which to act upon. This data is sent by either another coroutine or by some source function.

As a trivial example, let’s read a file and count the number of vowels in lines which contain the word ‘gene’ in the text.

def source(filepath, process):
    file_obj = open(filepath)
    for line in file_obj:

def co_filter_and_count(substring, co_next):
        while True:
            data = (yield)
            if substring in data:
    except GeneratorExit:
        print("Exiting co_filter_and_count")

def co_count_vowels():
    vowels = list("aeiou")
        while True:
            data = (yield)
            vowel_count = 0
            for char in data:
                if char in vowels:
                    vowel_count += 1
    except GeneratorExit:
        print("Exiting co_count_vowels")

# Prime the coroutines before using them
>>> cv = co_count_vowels()
>>> cv.__next__()
>>> fnc = co_filter_and_count()
>>> fnc.__next__()
>>> filepath = "/home/user/texts/selfish_gene.txt"
>>> source(filepath, fnc)
# Lots of output

Coroutines as finite state machines #


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